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We will deliver your system ready to use and configured for VTube Studio.

We will support you through the installation process.

 Basic fee for direct transactions (varies depending on accessories, costumes with a lot of movement, etc.)


Character design & illustration and modeling: 140,000 yen and up

Modeling only: 90,000 yen and up

If you want to make only the mouth move (or if you want to move other parts of the character later), please contact us and we will give you an estimate.


Please refer to the video for the range of motion of the head.

We put a lot of effort into creating natural angles that do not break down, and that can be used as a picture at any angle.


The movement of the lower body is based on the same movement as in the 2022 sample video.

Bend and extend your knees as you move.

When the upper body is tilted, the legs should be slightly opened in order to keep the center of gravity.



The difference is optional.

The following is a rough guide as a main example (in the case of modeling with charaaza illustrations included).

Please consult with us about the price for multiple options.


Bye-bye pose + additional motion: ¥5,000

Switching arm holding GamePad: ¥5,000

Keyboard & mouse pose switching: ¥10,000

Pose switching function for sitting on a chair: ¥15,000

Hats: 15,000~25,000 yen (depending on the shape)

Hoodie character's hood difference: ¥10,000

Chemo ear: 10,000 yen

Additional glasses: ¥3,000 + ability to change the color of the lens of the glasses: ¥2,000

Facial expression: ¥2,000 (EYE><,  etc.)


(In the case of modeling only, please inquire about the difference depending on the contents of the illustration.


The basic price will be raised according to the results.

Please consult with us first.


If you are not comfortable dealing directly with us, we can deal with an intermediary site.

In that case, we would like to do business with a site with low fees, so please consult with us.

If you start from character design, we will first ask you what kind of character you would like to have.

Once we have a rough sketch of the character, we will start the illustration and modeling work.


In the rough sketch stage, we may prepare several patterns.


First, we decide on the shape, and then we decide on the color scheme.

Once we are satisfied with the design, we create illustrations divided into parts and start modeling.

The production time is about 30 days after the design is decided.


(In case of modeling only, it takes about 5-15 days.


After completion of the modeling, we will check for any mistakes before handing it over to the client.

If any defects are overlooked, we will correct them as soon as we find them (semi-permanently, as long as you keep in touch with us).



We do not give you the cmo3 file.

We do not transfer copyrights, but you are free to use the character models we give you as long as it is within the scope of your own activities.

Resale, redistribution, and self-created remarks are prohibited

Translated with (free version)

Request Flow

(1) Ask what kind of character you would like.

We ask you about your general design preferences.

What kind of movements and functions do you want?


(2) We estimate the cost and ask for payment.

If you are overseas, please contact us by PayPal.


(3)First, we will draw a rough sketch in black and white.

If you don't have a concrete idea, we may propose multiple patterns.

Which one do you prefer? We will decide the shape of the design based on your preference.


(4) Once the shape of the character is determined, decide on the color scheme.

(5) Once the shape and color of the character are decided, create an illustration of the character by dividing it into parts and start modeling.

Before starting modeling, we ask the client to check the standing picture once.


(6) After modeling, add movement to the character and complete the modeling.

If there are no defects, the process is complete.

Translated with (free version)

Translated by

  • Youtube
  • alt.text.label.Twitter
  • nizima

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